Coach bags for men
Coach handbags are affordable, functional and versatile. In fact, they are among those few brand's whose turnover is rising due to the affordable luxury factor. What does affordable luxury mean? Basically it is the same price - quality ratio. People are bit put off to pay sky high prices for bags, and they are looking for a brand that delivers it both - quality, good brand reputation and affordable price.
The Coach men's business line offers large selection of various briefcases and business bags for men. For example, one of the Coach men's bag bestsellers is the Transatlantic commuter line. These briefcases are made of a leather that ages beautifully, they can be used as a men's crossbody messengers as well. The leather is durable, the inside is well organized with pockets and holders for small items and this handbag looks masculine and versatile enough that it could well serve for business men or young artist. The price range is approximately 500 USD.
For example, transatlantic leather commuter is an excellent choice for business traveler. This handbag is available online at Coach e-store with shipping to United States and Canada only. For those customers in Europe you will have to look for an authorized reseller on site or online.
This is a perfect example why the brand is good choice for the purpose. This bag has trendy design, its has very functional interior with inside pockets (one zipped, one cellphone and other compartments). There is also an outside pocket, if you need more space. Also it can easily fit a laptop or notebook plus documents. This commuter can be hand held or carried on shoulder. The dimensions are: length - 16 inches, height - 12 inches and depth - 4.2 inches. This bag is made of premium quality leather and the price is 498.00 USD. Color options available.
There are also leather attache bags for male clients - elegant and made of great leathers. It has a useful panel with pen holders, PDA holder, pockets and holders for business cards and other small items. Coach has great men's handbags at great price. Men's messenger bag collection has a vast choice of various messenger bags from leather messenger bags to nylon (good and durable quality) messengers, for example Coach Thompson bag and Harrison messenger handbag.
There are also Coach luggage bags and tote bags for men, backpacks, for example Bleeker Nylite tote and the you can choose this shoulder bag in several color and size options.
Wait for the Coach handbag sale to buy discounted Coach men's messenger bag.